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When you decide to buy a Cimcool product, you are not just buying a tangible jerry can, drum or IBC with fluids. Cimcool products include years of innovation and all the required service to optimize performance. Fluid Technology Cimcool products contain ‘fluid technology’. This entails extensive lab research, testing and years of development as well as expert advise and excellent service before, during and after the product selection process. Product recommendation If you are in need of a product but you are not sure which one will work best for you, don’t hesitate to contact your Cimcool representative. In order to help you our technical engineers will make sure they get to know you and your manufacturing process inside out so they are sure to provide you with exactly the right product. Product usage Once you’ve selected a product our engineers and technical department will advise you on how best to use the product in order to optimize performance. Follow-up Our service doesn’t stop once Cimcool fluids are in your machines. We consider service a continuous ‘product’. It is essential for us that your manufacturing process is monitored and maintained to ensure good performance at all times. Your local Cimcool representative is always happy to provide the necessary service. Don’t hesitate to contact them if you have any questions. |